Tayba’s educational philosophy centers on character reformation through spiritual and behavioral modification.
Educational Opportunity
Using a unique curriculum and distance learning program, Tayba Foundation provides excellent educational opportunities for the incarcerated and those returning to private life. At Tayba, we envision a twofold purpose for educational programs, namely nurturing self-awareness and encouraging self-discovery and transformation through healthy choices.
Customization of Educational Services
Recognizing that the needs and aspirations of clients vary, Tayba aids each client in customizing learning tracks that fit the individual. Correspondence and traditional classroom options afford clients the opportunity to learn in their settings.
At Tayba, we believe that character reformation gives incarcerated clients and the formerly incarcerated the tools they need to successfully reintegrate into society following parole. Our curriculum integrates spiritual and behavioral modification into all course offerings, helping clients claim accountability for their actions. The curriculum also takes an in-depth look at the criminal personality, encouraging understanding and change.
Why education?
Research shows that education is a major factor in the incarcerated person’s successful rehabilitation and re-entry into society. Studies conducted for the U.S. Department of Justice found that, “prisoners who merely participated in postsecondary education while in prison were 46% less likely to recidivate than members of the general prison population.” Inasmuch, Tayba designs, facilitates, and supports educational programs in Higher Education, Islamic Education, and Art Education.
Our Curriculum
Aware of the gaps in educational offerings, Tayba embarked on an extensive review of curricula with the goal of crafting a correspondence program that met the needs identified by students. Along with the “first of its kind” offerings in Islamic Studies, Tayba’s developed and continuously enhanced programming targets higher education and art education.
One of the keys to creating a great curriculum is engaging in great evaluations of materials and processes. Tayba uses advanced multiple-choice exams, allowing us to do extensive test-item analysis that ensure our assessments are accurate. Clients also complete extensive reading comprehension assignments and reflective essays that demonstrate how the knowledge is changing them.
Finally, when students feel they are ready to receive formal permission to transmit knowledge to others, they request a one-on-one meeting with our instructors to be tested on their knowledge and memorization of specific texts.
Higher Education
Available to incarcerated clients and parolees, degree programs are offered in collaboration with higher education institutions with established correspondence programs.
Tayba sees its role as coach and facilitator, helping clients connect with programs that fit their individual needs and goals. We further assist clients by purchasing books, paying for tuition, and subsidizing housing costs.
Along with the undergraduate and graduate degree programs available to clients, there are also paralegal studies and other professional programs to aid in the transition back into free society.
Collaboration is a hallmark of Tayba’s higher education model. We seek dynamic relationships with organizations and institutions that offer innovative courses for our clients. For example, our Islamic education courses are currently accepted for elective credit by Adams State University.
Art Education
Over the years, Tayba Foundation has received numerous gifts of art from our clients, demonstrating their rich ability. Art provides a therapeutic outlet for many of our clients, enabling them to “take back” some of what incarceration took from them.
While these therapeutic benefits are well known, we recognize that our clients’ art acumen may also provide career opportunities. Inasmuch, Tayba Foundation hopes to provide clients with opportunities to learn Islamic Art and Islamic Calligraphy techniques from American artisans. We hope to begin programming in this area when funding is secured.