Tayba Talks
Enquire now to have a Tayba representative speak at your workplace.
What do we offer?
If you’re in the Bay Area, or the Inland Empire area, you can book in-person talks and workshops with one of our Tayba Foundation speakers. You also have the option to book an online talk via zoom.
Tayba's speakers deliver group conversations in a variety of formats and themes to fit the needs to your Muslim and non-Muslim employees. The conversation formats could include panel discussions, inspirational talks, or casual discourse.
A few topics are, but not limited to;
Charity in Islam
Community involvement
Our instructors
Shaykh Rami Nsour
Rami Nsour is a scholar, counselor, public speaker, teacher, and translator. After spending seven years in Mauritania studying Islamic studies at some of the foremost Islamic colleges, Shaykh Rami received licensure (ijaza) to share his wisdom with students. Further enhancing his extensive study of fiqh, Nsour completed an extraordinary ‘in-residence’ experience, allowing him to research questions (fatawa) of Islamic faith, law, and practice. Rami is available for in-person and online events.
Tabari Zahir
Tabari began formally studying the Islamic Sciences in 2003 with scholars at Zaytuna Institute. Due to a series of bad choices he found himself in federal prison from 2005-2016. In prison, Abdul-Zahir spent all of his time learning and teaching Aqeedah, Fiqh, Tazkiya, and Arabic which make up the Tayba Foundation curriculum. Since his release he completed an Associates degree in Behavioral Sciences, a Bachelor’s in Arabic Language, and a Master's in Clinical Social Work. Tabari is available for in-person and online events.
Abdul Muhaymin Al-Salim
Abdul Muhaymin started as a student with the Tayba in 2013. He has been on the staff at Tayba since 2016, which has helped him to be more effective in connecting with the people he is mentoring. He is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology while simultaneously pursuing his MDiv in Islamic Studies with a concentration in Religious Leadership at The Islamic Seminary of America as the first Tayba Scholar. Abdul Muhaymin is available for online events only.
“Tayba Foundation serves an underserved Muslim community (our incarcerated brothers and sisters) with their educated and dedicated staff and volunteers. They are trained and educated to speak about religious matters and can share stories about the challenges of the incarcerated community and remind us of how human they are - just like us. I have always enjoyed Tayba’s company ... I have invited them to speak a few times (regarding religious matters and the work they do) and will continue to engage them.”