Educate, inspire, and raise awareness in your community
with Tayba’s unique weekend program
We’ve brought this highly engaging weekend program to several masajid already. Let’s work together to bring our speakers to your community to raise awareness of these important subjects.
The Sahaba Behind Bars
1-2 hour lecture
1 in 10 prisoners in America become Muslim. Every year, thousands of these converts return to our communities across the country.
Who are they? Why do they convert? How can we help them when they are released?
The Prophetic Model of Teaching
3-4 hour seminar
We are all teachers in a way. We regularly teach, share, instruct, and educate people all around us.
What would happen to our teaching if we incorporated some elements from the example of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ?
The Sahaba Behind Bars
Why so many amazing American Muslims are in prison
1-2 hour lecture with Ustadh Tabari Abdul-Zahir
Tens of thousands of Muslims leave prison every year. Many of them have never been part of a Muslim community in free society.
Most people in your community probably never heard of Muslims behind bars. They won’t know what our newly-released brothers and sisters are struggling with or how to help them.
In this event, the speakers will touch upon these questions and more:
Why are there more prisoners in the US than anywhere else in the world?
Why is 1 out of every 10 US prisoners becoming Muslim?
What is Islam like behind bars?
The prisoners are coming to your masjid: what can you do to help them thrive?
Tabari Abdul-Zahir
Tabari Abdul-Zahir began formally studying the Islamic Sciences in early 2003, but due to a series of bad choices found himself in federal prison for a non-violent drug crime from 2005-2016. It was in prison that he made a transformative tauba and spent all of his time learning and teaching Aqeedah, Fiqh, Tazkiya, and Arabic.
Upon release, Abdul-Zahir completed an AS degree in Behavioral Sciences, a BA in Arabic Language, and a Master’s in Clinical Social Work. He also wrote a book for the Tayba Foundation on the essentials of Islam geared specifically for the incarcerated.
Currently, Abdul-Zahir is using his Master’s of Social Work working as a therapist and drug counselor, while directing both the national and local re-entry programs for the Tayba Foundation in Southern California where he also serves by delivering khutbas to the local communities and runs a spiritual study group for Tayba students.
The Prophetic Model of Teaching
3-4 hour seminar with Shaykh Rami Nsour
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was a perfect teacher, but what did that entail? How did he teach, treat his students, and address their individual needs and concerns?
This seminar won’t just make you a better educator - whether you’re a parent, friend, sibling, or instructor. It will also help you draw closer to the Messenger ﷺ and deepen your love for him through a deeper understanding of his character.
This educational seminar will be presented by Rami Nsour who based the material off three texts:
al-Rasūl al-Mu‘allim ﷺ (The Messenger Teacher) by Shaykh Abdul Fattāḥ Abū Ghudda
Adab al- ‘Ilm wal Mu‘allim wal Muta‘allim by Shaykh Abdul Bāsiṭ Al-Imlawi
Etiquette for Teachers and Students by Muftī Muhammad Zayd Nadwi from the writing of Mawlanā Ashraf ʿAlī Thānawī
Rami Nsour
Rami Nsour is a scholar, public speaker, teacher, and translator of Islamic texts. He studied for over 10 years including spending five years in Mauritania studying Islamic studies at some of the foremost Islamic colleges (mahdaras). He received licensure ('ijāza) to share his knowledge with students. Further enhancing his extensive study of Sharīՙa, Rami completed an extraordinary ‘in-residence’ experience, allowing him to research questions (fatāwā) of Islamic faith, law, and practice.
Rami Nsour co-founded the Tayba Foundation, the first organization in the United States to offer a distance-learning program in Islamic Education to incarcerated men and women. Rami has extensive experience in curriculum development, specifically in character (akhlāq), and holds a B.A. in Human Development with a focus on Early Childhood. He also obtained an M.A. in Educational Psychology. A resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, he lives with his wife and three children.