Purification of the Heart

With Ustadh Amin Anderson

This first of its kind class is based on the poem "Matharat al-Qulub," or Purification of the Heart, which offers a path to spiritual purification. Written in the 19th century by the esteemed Shaykh Muhammad Mawlud, who mastered both the outward and inward Islamic sciences.

The class will be taught by Ustadh Amin Anderson, a former Tayba student, now Tayba instructor. It will be available to anyone who has been formerly incarcerated.

Who is Amin Anderson?

Ustadh Amin and Shaykh Rami first connected over 20 years ago while Amin was incarcerated. During his time in prison, Amin immersed himself in studying the deen, dedicating years to writing an English commentary on Matharat al-Qulub and producing the first-ever complete translation of the poem.

Now, after serving his sentence, Amin is eager to share the knowledge he gained with others.

Here is what you need to know:

How long will it go for? 16 weeks

When will it start? Saturday, 21st September, 2024, 3pm EST