Student Stories: Power of Change and Human Potential
Almost every day we hear new stories from our students. They continue to inspire and motivate us.
Come back here often to see new stories as we hear them, directly from our students.
Surah Luqman - A reflection by Ahmad Adisa
One of our top students, Ahmad, sent us this beautiful calligraphy, he accompanied it with this explanation…
Another small change, another big victory in Texas
One of the challenges of working in prisons across the entire country is that every state has its own rules and regulations. Having access to phone calls is a way to ensure we are getting through.
Muslims in Texas Prisons (Part 3)
A Christian chaplain reaches out to Tayba, requesting services for the Muslim community in his prison. This simple act of reaching out sparked a chain of events that led to something truly remarkable.
This sister is different
Jessica* is not the typical prisoner that we serve in reentry: she doesn't come from a life of poverty, she has attended college, and she has experience legally earning a living out in free society.
Muslims in Texas Prisons (Part 2)
There is a complex of women’s prisons out in the middle of nowhere in Texas. The nearest mosque is hours away.
Muslims in Texas Prisons (Part 1)
No books, no teachers, no programs. No access to a Muslim community. Yet despite that, there are people coming to Islam and holding on to their deen in these remote communities.
In Conversation: Nadir
Nadir, a determined student who had experienced incarceration, has made remarkable progress since our initial conversation before his release in 2019.
Purifying the Heart: Guide by Usman
Ramadan is a month of drawing near to Allah and purifying the self.
But what does that actually entail?
He felt like he had to choose…
Wali struggled in free society. He has the courage to ask for help, and when he did, we did all that we could to help.
Her struggle for religious freedom…
Sister Shajiyah embraced Islam with her whole heart. She learned about ḥijāb and wanted to wear it to please Allah.
Being homeless is a violation of parole
Gary became homeless… and may be sent back to prison. In his state, being homeless is a violation of parole. Go figure.