Why are there so many people (and so many Muslims) in US prisons?
Get educated with this easy-to-read email series:

Find Out:

Why does the US have more prisoners than China?

What are some of the challenges Muslims face behind bars?

Why are nearly 10% of American prisoners Muslim?

Why is the incarceration of women still growing?

How do corporate interests affect incarceration?

What unique challenges do Muslim women face in prison?
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Who Are We?
Tayba is a non-profit helping Muslim prisoners and recent parolees (90% of whom are converts to the deen).
We provide Islamic and Life Skills education to our brothers and sisters behind bars. We also support those being released to ensure they never return to prison.
To date, we have served over 10,000 Muslims in over 1,000 prisons in 48 states.
We are one of the few organizations in America providing Islamic education that’s specifically tailored to the needs of the incarcerated.
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