Abdul Lateef: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioun.

Abdul Lateef, one of Tayba Foundation's best students who just got out after 31 years in prison, is enjoying a Smoked Salmon Pizza at Falafel Corner, Fremont, Ca. He has stage 4 cancer and is on a restricted diet, so they made him a very special Smoked Salmon Pizza. The pizza was so good, the restaurant is placing it on the menu in honor of him.

After becoming Muslim and understanding the significance of halal meat, Abdul Lateef and many other Muslims in San Quentin state prison only ate veggies and beans because prisons did not offer halal options and there was no way to purchase any. He ate beans (the only available alternative for halal meat) everyday for 17 years! This display of character, taqwa (God consciousness) and resolve is a lesson in appreciation to those of us who enjoy freedom outside prison. We pray to continue to be blessed with his company, his patience and devotion. Please keep Abdul Lateef in your prayers as he battles cancer. He was a great student and is a great brother.

UPDATE May 21, 2015: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioun. To God we belong, and to Him we return. Brother Abdul Lateef, passed away today. May Allah shower His mercy on him.


Taahir: Appreciative and Altruistic


Gangsta Lovin: A Blood, a Crip and a Nonprofit